Hence, check out these addition games similar to Far Cry.

Speaking of which, you will eventually want to try out all of them. Edit PARAM.

Unpack the demo NPUA72074 then copy only the eboot.bin from it then paste into folder USRDIR in NPUA72074 renamed in step 1, 3. You can even see similar stuff in other games like Far Cry. Rename the PS3Game folder of retail disc BCUS98298 into 'NPUA72074', 2. It has a winning formula that it simply refuses to discard. Updated November 2, 2021, by Sid Natividad: As expected, there are many more games like Far Cry that it's starting to look like the poster-boy or template of open-world FPS games. So if you're looking for more after Far Cry 6, you might want to try out these games if open-world gun-toting is your idea of fun. Far Cry sequels capitalized on this while other games refined the formula. Suffice to say, Far Cry laid the foundation for many open-world shooters and proved that freedom was more enjoyable than scripted FPS sequences. RELATED: Reasons Far Cry 2 Is The Best In The Series (& Things It Handled Wrong) Then, Ubisoft and Crytek spiced things up by giving players a dizzying amount of open environment and freedom. Even the legendary Half-Life 2 fell into this design standard. Before the first Far Cry came out back in 2004, modern-setting first-person shooter (FPS) games were dominantly just straight tunnels with enough color and flash to hide their linearity.